Saturday, March 7, 2009

First Spring Time Stroll

Two tired pups after our walk along the river! They loved being outside today and it really was a gorgeous day!

Me and my four legged creatures, gotta love em!

Jessica and Lucy, taking a lil rest
Our first duck sighting! Hmmmm I wonder of we will be getting our duck this year? We have a duck who lives on our front lawn and every spring she shows up with her hubby duck!
These geese were honking away at the geese that is way out in the background of this picture, they were funny just a honnking back and forth!

Lucy as you can see is the adventuresome pup! she was about 6 feet over the river and about 6 feet out on the tree!

Izzie's new halti harness, comes in hany since she is very strong!