Well I wanted to post some pics of the critters but for some reason my computer just won't let me do so. Oh well, I will have to do some picture posting next time.
We took the pups out to a hiking area a few hours away from home. It falls right in between the Illinois/Iowa border. It was a gorgeous day! The sun was out and it wasn't too cold yet.
Izzie had a ton of fun romping thru the bushes while Sophie traipsed on the well worn path. Sophie is not fond of getting dirty.
The past few days have been very cold and wet so the pups don't get out too much, they don't like being cooped up to much so I will have to take them out for a good romp somewhere.....where mud is not to be found!
The birds have been rather quiet lately, they usually are when it is cloudy and cold out. I have caught Mazi talking! He won't do it when we are in the room but one day when I came home and walked in the house he greeted me with a "I love you"! he hasn't spoken in front of me since but when I am in a different room I can catch him saying a few phrases!
The rest of the crew is just happy to whistle and chortle. it makes me happy to hear those happy lil sounds coming from their lil "nests" .