Saturday, December 26, 2009


Maggie after her bath which she didn't like!
Not a happy camper

Izzy watching the snow fall outside
Playin in the snow

Tired pup

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Maggie joined the family!

Introducing Maggie the newest member of the family! She is an English Mastiff.
We picked her up today! What a special fun day it was for us!

This is Chloe, who is Maggie's mom. She is a big girl!
This is Raja, Maggie's daddy....he is still young and has some more growing to do!
Maggie in our yard exploring. She is such a beauty!
12 weeks old and I can hold her in my arms! In a few weeks I won't be able to lift her up!
I love this pose of Maggie....12 weeks and 40 lbs!
Izzy and Maggie getting to know one another.
Izzy got tired playing in the snow with us, so nap time it was for her.
Jessica comparing her hand to Maggie's paw! She is going to be one big dog.
It was a long exciting day for Maggie and for us! Her first day with us was a pleasant one. The kids fell in love with her and Izzy even likes her!
I am sure there will be many stories to tell of her adventures with us! Stay tuned.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Busy Days

Just wanted to say things are better...we still miss our lil peanut. Izzy is eating again and has a lil more vibe in her step. She seemed to have gone thru a moment of mourning over Sophia. They were rather close.
I have been busy with the holiday stuff but have made time to get Izz ou and play with the birds too! such a hectic time of year!
More to come later!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sad News

Yesterday we lost our Sophie.....we are very sad. Iz wouldn't eat until Lucy came over and then only ate a few bites.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fall Fun

Somehow the busyness of life just keeps going and going and time flies by!
As we are getting ready for the holiday fun to start we have been enjoying the wonderful days of a mild Fall lately! The weather has been very nice and although we have had a few wet days the temperature has been great!
The pups love going to our favorite stomping grounds to run and run in the fields and scare up a few squirrels and deer! I love to watch Izzy and Sophie run completely free! You can tell as they are running how much they enjoy it. Every now and then we see them looking for us as if they need to make sure Mom and Dad haven't abandoned them in the fields!
Here are a few pics of the fun times.

This is Izzy running full force down the hill right at me! Thank goodness she veered off the the side of me and didn't knock me over!

My lil lady Sophia prancing in the tall grass. She reminds me of a very delicate deer when she runs.

Izzy on the run more than likely after Lucy! Lucy is our son and daughter- in- loves pup.

Lucy and Izzy off to do some exploring.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Critter Update

Well I wanted to post some pics of the critters but for some reason my computer just won't let me do so. Oh well, I will have to do some picture posting next time.

We took the pups out to a hiking area a few hours away from home. It falls right in between the Illinois/Iowa border. It was a gorgeous day! The sun was out and it wasn't too cold yet.
Izzie had a ton of fun romping thru the bushes while Sophie traipsed on the well worn path. Sophie is not fond of getting dirty.

The past few days have been very cold and wet so the pups don't get out too much, they don't like being cooped up to much so I will have to take them out for a good romp somewhere.....where mud is not to be found!

The birds have been rather quiet lately, they usually are when it is cloudy and cold out. I have caught Mazi talking! He won't do it when we are in the room but one day when I came home and walked in the house he greeted me with a "I love you"! he hasn't spoken in front of me since but when I am in a different room I can catch him saying a few phrases!

The rest of the crew is just happy to whistle and chortle. it makes me happy to hear those happy lil sounds coming from their lil "nests" .

Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Sophia!

We took Sophie to the park for her birthday treat! Just Dad and Mom, no sharing with the other critters and she loved it! It was a beautiful day, not too warm or cold.

Lots of sniffing and exploring was to be had.

Lots of pretty flowers to look at as well but they do bad things to her eyes : (
Sophie does have allergies and the great outdoors as much as she loves it is not always so great for her.

Newest member of the family!

This lil beauty is Mazi, he is a Senegal parrot and he has joined our family due to an illness in his prior home.
He is adjusting well to the household, he does love attention and likes to be held on his terms
but we are working on that.
I have found out that he is a water lover! He loves to dunk his food i it and bathe in water all the time....I call him my messy marvin since he is a bit messier than the other two sennies I have.
We do love him already and we hope to have many, many years with him!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer News

Well it has been quite a busy summer around here! had the roof redone so no chances of flooding in the house: )
Izzy gave us a scare for a few weeks, she ate something that made her feel really really bad!
But now she is back to her "hoover" mode....trying to eat everything in sight! We really need to keep our eyes on her.
Lucy has been having a wonderful time terrorizing the pups next door every time they come out. She is not a fan of other dogs....we expected that from Izzy since she is a bull mastiff and it is in their character to not like other dogs but Lucy???? With Lucy in the house we know when there is a dog in the vicinity!
Sophia has been enjoying the warm summer days by sunbathing on the table outside.....she loves her warm sunny days!
Bailey is still in the midst of healing from her excessive plucking, every now and then he will pluck but then I try to distract him with goodies or some cuddle time.
I made a tree perch for the birds outside in the backyard, hoping they can enjoy the great outdoors with us. Bailey loves it but I am thinking I should clip his wings......just in case.
Kiwi is still my lil sweetie although she gets angry with me for not spending more time with her. I really should make it a point to handle her and the others everyday....well except for Harley since he hates women.
Well I have been working on getting re-organized in the house so haven't had much time to write, but I am planning on setting aside a day every week to add pics and news to my blogs so hopefully I can keep everyone up to date!
I basically started blogging so that my family and friends who live far away from us could be in the "know" of our lives. So keeping this blog updated is important to me.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Some summer fun

It has been a rather lazy start to summer, doesn't help when the household has gotten sick. I did manage to take a few shots on a very nice sunny day! Enjoy.
Hope to get more pics up this summer!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Parrot Mountain

I fell in love with this house! Inside was the gift store and snack bar.
What an entrance!
These aviaries are gorgeous! I would love to have one of these in our garden!
We were greeted by these chatty greys!
I love the colors!
eclectus male, so vibrant!!!!
The female was very friendly towards me! Peek a boo
Toucans live here too!
These birds are free, they sit on these perches
My dream bird! I love how my camera got this amazing shot!
Love those cockatoos!
More blue and golds!
here I am with my sunny birds!
Hubby enjoying the birds too!
Gorgeous amazon
True love

Aren't these eyes beautiful?
Preening time!
I love this shot too!
these guys were very hungry!
My friend the female eclectus again!
Another toucan
Ooops forgot to turn the pic! These are gorgeous!!!!! They are also huge!
Another shot of the birds
Love this house!
So if you are ever in Pigeon Forge, you have to visit this place!