Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer News

Well it has been quite a busy summer around here! had the roof redone so no chances of flooding in the house: )
Izzy gave us a scare for a few weeks, she ate something that made her feel really really bad!
But now she is back to her "hoover" mode....trying to eat everything in sight! We really need to keep our eyes on her.
Lucy has been having a wonderful time terrorizing the pups next door every time they come out. She is not a fan of other dogs....we expected that from Izzy since she is a bull mastiff and it is in their character to not like other dogs but Lucy???? With Lucy in the house we know when there is a dog in the vicinity!
Sophia has been enjoying the warm summer days by sunbathing on the table outside.....she loves her warm sunny days!
Bailey is still in the midst of healing from her excessive plucking, every now and then he will pluck but then I try to distract him with goodies or some cuddle time.
I made a tree perch for the birds outside in the backyard, hoping they can enjoy the great outdoors with us. Bailey loves it but I am thinking I should clip his wings......just in case.
Kiwi is still my lil sweetie although she gets angry with me for not spending more time with her. I really should make it a point to handle her and the others everyday....well except for Harley since he hates women.
Well I have been working on getting re-organized in the house so haven't had much time to write, but I am planning on setting aside a day every week to add pics and news to my blogs so hopefully I can keep everyone up to date!
I basically started blogging so that my family and friends who live far away from us could be in the "know" of our lives. So keeping this blog updated is important to me.

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