Sunday, July 11, 2010

Terrible Somethings!

Sooooo today Pat and I went to do laundry and we left the pups alone in the house, they have been very good lately esp Maggie! We were only gone for a few hours....surely I could trust that they would be ok. I actually quick scanned the house before we left!
When we got home and walked into the house, I was greeted by a houseful of eaten up recyclable stuff. It was everywhere!!!!! Maggie hid right away.....after a lil stern talking to, I cleaned up the mess.
She sure has been in a chewy stage lately! More than likely pent up energy!

Izzy has gotten into the habit of running into the dark weedy area of our yard when I call her to come in, obviously she would rather stay outside and scare away the ferocious squirrels....but to make a mad dash after I call her?!!!!! she does eventually come in, when she knows I have reached the end of my rope!

I feel like I am living with a dog in her teens and one in the terrible two stage! But I love them and they do make my days interesting and challenging.
I am sure I amuse them......why else would they do what they do?

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