Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Sophia!

We took Sophie to the park for her birthday treat! Just Dad and Mom, no sharing with the other critters and she loved it! It was a beautiful day, not too warm or cold.

Lots of sniffing and exploring was to be had.

Lots of pretty flowers to look at as well but they do bad things to her eyes : (
Sophie does have allergies and the great outdoors as much as she loves it is not always so great for her.

Newest member of the family!

This lil beauty is Mazi, he is a Senegal parrot and he has joined our family due to an illness in his prior home.
He is adjusting well to the household, he does love attention and likes to be held on his terms
but we are working on that.
I have found out that he is a water lover! He loves to dunk his food i it and bathe in water all the time....I call him my messy marvin since he is a bit messier than the other two sennies I have.
We do love him already and we hope to have many, many years with him!